Friday, January 18, 2008

Goofy Tyler

Second year DFMC runner, Tyler, is a gifted runner. There is no doubt in my mind that in the near future he will not only run a qualifying time for Boston, but he will dip way below the three hour mark. However, my advice to Tyler was and will be DO NOT RUN 13 MILES the day before racing a marathon!!

Tyler ignored my voice of experience as he traveled down to Florida last weekend to participate in the Goofy Challenge. Goofy Challenge runners are expected to run a half-marathon on Saturday, and then a full on Sunday. This is most definitely “goofy”!

Running 26 miles in and of itself is a challenge. So why do many of us throw in extra obstacles and intensity to make it even harder for us?! There are numerous runners who, after a handful of marathons, feel they must add on a 2.4 mile swim followed by a 112 mile bike ride to enhance their marathon experience. I’m guilty of some nutty running adventures (i.e. running two marathons a week apart – Paris/Boston in 2001; London/Boston 2003). And then there is 16 year DFMC veteran, Matt, who deserves an entire post for all of his crazy running feats. Matt has completed a marathon on every continent, competed in a handful of triathlons, hiked up a course in the Himalayas (I believe there was lots of vomiting involved with this event), and raced across the tip of S. Africa.

Tyler, I admire your spirit and congratulations on your Goofy Challenge. But let’s try and taper 3 weeks before Boston this year!! I expect you to blow by me on the hills this April.

Anyone else care to share a crazy running story?

1 comment:

Anne said...

I am in awe of both you and Tyler!