Friday, March 7, 2008

Thursday Night Frogger

Remember the video game Frogger… the game where the frog has to avoid being hit by a variety of speeding motor vehicles including cars, trucks, buses, taxis, bicyclists and motorcycles? Running the hills on Thursday nights is a live version of Frogger, and the risks are real! Let’s add trains on the Green Line to the list of dangers too. Alison and I started our “game” a little before 6:30 and cruised up the hills last night at what was probably a 7 minute pace. We were very excited about our speedy running rhythm, however this put us at risk of being flattened trying to maintain that pace through intersections. A quick grab to Alison’s running jacket was necessary to avoid elimination at a few points along the course. I always try to take a quick look at the traffic light at each intersection, but very often that light suddenly changes to green when I’m in mid-stride heading off the curb. WATCH OUT! Thank goodness my “free love” psychedelic running skirt, combined with my new neon orange Mizuno racing flats, served as a type of reflective running attire forcing drivers to hit their brakes. (I was going to wear the zebra print, but black, pink and white stripes clashed with the orange running shoes – a fashion faux pas!).

Froggy takes one step at a time

The way that he moves has no reason or rhyme

He hops and jumps, dodges and ducks

Cars and buses, vans and trucks.

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